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Monday, August 9, 2010

''nota dari pRof..''

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(amik feel lagu dulu before bace entry ni.kuikuikui)

ok mud sesuwai ngn ase sgt sedih, huk3...sunyi , sepi ..ase cam jeles tgk org lain da bnyk sgt wat n kna ubh tuh kna ubh ni..tapi sy?huuuu~~prof, nape xreply emel sy..wuwuwu ;(

walau ape pun sy akn totap tunggu!huhu..bear2 teman sy...huhu :(

every single day..bukk emel..tggu dengan sgt setia...xkire ujan or setia tggu prof reply...(haha perlu ke dramatik?)

arini finally....weee...ari sy bsinar2 terang!(over2)

sy dapat emel dr prof ismail..sape xknl, taip kt google ke lagi sng carik kt jurnal scholar...ismail et al. ismail MN,MI Noor, sume ade..bnyk woo die wat research sal nutrition nie..sape2 nutritionist yg xknl die sile gi hantuk kepale korang sdrk kat dinding.hahah... XD xdelah guraw jew..xbaik nye sy ni..hihi ...tapi jgn tataw lak..menteri kesihatan tiong lai tuh pun ank murid die kat ukm nie tau!(apsal sy yg lbey2 bkn ank murid sy tp ehem,nk ckp senior sy menteri, fokus utama.ahax!<--yg ni pun xperlu..fine..huhu)ni la die...da macam dapat perutusan raye jew..

''Dear Shikin,
Wow! You have "overkill" your task. Good for a 45 minutes Seminar Frankly it's wonderful to note you're so exicted about the project and that is GOOD!!!. Unfortunately you have only 10-12 minutes AT MOST, and your 30 odd slide is far to much.
Second your slides are too wordy!!! You need to summarise the info, girl!
Please look thru' the attached file, you see I've removed some slides and also provide "Examples" on how you should present your "Introduction" and also "Justification"
Also since you use black background, please make sure the "wordings" are readable ok
Try to reduce your slide to no more than 15 or so if possible, ok

Good effort girl, keep it up.

haha korang rase prof perli ke puji?sy taleh jwb psoalan ni.psoalan d ctu.tbe2.kwang3..hehe..actually ni jwpn tggu prof reply emel lme2 sgt tuh yg overkill my task!smggu prof..mau xmnderita sy!da la pesent mggu ni oke! cuak2 ayam je ni..n sy cam xde keje lain (err.. belog n fb tuh lain cite..) so sy pun bace laa jurnal2 lain (konon rajin) lagi pastu npk la sket effort..alhmdulillah...ari makin ari kn..makin lame makin lain..n slide sy yg mule2 15 je jadik terlebey sudaaa..stiap kali ubh pape emel prof..gelabah kan sy.pdhl sy taw prof xsempat pun bce sume tuh...sighh~~ksian kan xpe!sy phm prof busy!huhu...dats y la prof ckp cmtuh kut...

waa.ampun bosan so saye godek ctu godek cni.jadi terlebih...yela2 sy tukar bosan senanye..tuh yg wat dat dr ctu prof npk effort tuh kut..haha...pdhl xbnyk pun ubh tp btula bile stress sy ase lagi gelabah n nak paham lagi sal tesis sy nih sbb cuak punye pasal....tapi 1 je sy cam perasan prof ni.die xkan guide sume bnda tau...die tadenye bnyk mse nak bce2 weh yg korang anta... cume kna tnjuk effort..tuh pun da ckp bgus bg prof.

bagi die, beza nutritionist dgn dietitian is how u do a research..if not u go n find another work (ismail 2010)...hahah...prof2..trime kasih la bnyk kna ubah nie..da lah.nak wat keja,pasni nk jumpe dr zit pule~kalo sume ok nak2 leh g pesta konvo ptg neyh.huk3....yg xtahan prof tolong tmbh2 lgi slide sy tapi best ar die kasik reference best yg lain.hahah maaf prof...xreti la..asal ade jew musti jadi wordy..aiseh..lemah tul bab ni ;(( tapi xpe!


p/s: ni sume side effect yg timbul sbb sy epi dapat emel yg da tggu seminggu.tuh je.wek:p

n sy taw lagu tuh xsesuwai.dahla korg ..saje tanak ksik kat dri sdrk ah!go go ekin go n sleep.haha..x x..go n do ur work n research!...u tanak tuka kerjaya kan..lalala :p

Kate hatiku,

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